Bundled Surgical Care

What Self-Funded Employers Need to Know About Bundled Surgical Care

Things to Know About Bundled Surgical Care Packages:

Surgical care has become infamous in today’s day and age for being complicated widely expensive processes than can cripple those going through it with untenable amounts to pay.  Adding to the danger of complications or problems are unexpected additional recovery costs that may be daunting, dangerous financially proportionate.  Surgical costs not only affect the injured patient, but if surgery is related to a work related injury can greatly cripple any organization.

At MD Surgery, our clinical management team is experienced and knowledgable in streamlining worker’s compensation surgical claims.   The simple answer is using bundled surgical care packages. These packages are exactly what they sound like: packages that come with a set price in which the provider of it agrees to handle the costs of the procedures using the standard rates agreed upon. The savings these packages can provide is immense, and the value of not worrying about being sunk over difficult to anticipate surgical costs invaluable. Knowing the exact amount that you will pay is what any responsible business owner or manager would choose.

MD Surgery is the Best Choice for Bundled Surgical Care Packages

MD Surgery provides industry standard packages for worker’s compensation claim cases. However, that alone would not be enough to put us over the top on our competitors. What comes with MD Surgery’s packages is the knowledge that you are dealing with a highly experienced team with decades of experience in the industry and a genuine desire to make sure your bottom line and your worker’s safety and health are maximized without coming at the cost of each other. MD Surgery’s packages come with care from our carefully selected, thoroughly vetted network of surgeons that are required to practice the best-decision making techniques within the field.  Additionally, we take care of all the headache of knowing what you have to pay for with our packages being able to cover everything from procedure to facility fees. The benefits to working with us is endless, and the stress saved immense. We feel confident advertising ourselves as the best holistic provider of third-party intermediary worker’s compensation related services because we know that our values stand for yours. Our packages truly are more than fixed price rates, they are a guarantee that your worker will come out of it in the best shape possible, and that you won’t have to dirty your hands in what is always a highly frustrating and difficult to anticipate process in which the wrong decision can lead to hundreds of thousands of dollars lost. Please, look into MD Surgery for your worker’s compensation related needs, and discover the range of benefits we can provide and the thorough peace of mind we guarantee for any of our prospective customers. It will be more than worth it.

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How We Can Help

  • Maximum Medical Improvement

    Maximum Medical Improvement is the term given to a patient when they are at the highest level of recovery possible.  In the simplest form it is what the doctor tells a patient is the highest level of recovery process possible for the affected party.  It can mean a complete recovery that is fully and completely healed, or a partial one in which the level of healing is sufficient.

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  • Injured-on-the-job
    Worker’s Compensation Impairment Ratings

    Dealing with an injured worker can be a daunting proposition for any business. There is often so much uncertainty, and a litany of potential problems that could stem from the injuries. From loss of production, to not knowing how long the process may take or cost, it is often filled with doubt and uncertainty.

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  • Return to Work

    Return to work programs are programs that help to facilitate the process of returning injured or ill workers back into the workplace.  Using a return to work program is a must for any business attempting to navigate a worker’s compensation claim or any worker dealing with an injury or illness leading to a prolonged absence from the company.

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