Florida Worker’s Compensation Fee Schedule

Understanding Florida Worker’s Compensation Fee Schedule

What does Florida Worker’s Compensation Fee Schedule Mean?

The Florida Worker’s Compensation Fee Schedule details the process of reimbursing health care providers for services rendered for worker’s affected and entitled to compensation claims. Every year the state releases a large, four hundred plus page manual detailing all the nuance of the policies relating to these reimbursements. This manual is dense, tough to comprehend, and can feature minutiae that is easy to miss when going over such a large amount of information. For any company it is the last thing on earth one wants to deal with when already faced with the problems that can arise related to a worker’s injury and inability to work for a long period of time. Compounding this it is noted that the state of Florida’s Compensation Fee Schedule is amongst the worst and most punishing of any state.

This leaves companies with the unattractive situation of being forced to deal such an unwieldy amount of policy due to the inherent risks posed from operating in the state. Failure to comply adequately, or not understand the full breadth of the manual can lead to unnecessary expenditures or issues stemming from overdue payments that the employer simply was unaware of. The amount of frustration that can come from this is immeasurable, and any delays or difficulties in such an important process can be devastating to the company’s output, morale, and funds.

Understanding how MD Surgery Can Help Business Alleviate Challenges and Risks

The answer to that is easy. You let a team of highly trained experts with in-depth knowledge on the process of dealing with Florida’s Worker’s Compensation Fee Schedule for you. At MD Surgery we possess just that. We bring to the table a team with years of experience, and the right knowledge base to navigate these murky waters. This means for you that all these concerns are gone entirely. Without bundle payment method, you only have to deal with us, and we will handle all of the unfortunate, difficult situations that can come from a less than exact knowledge of the schedule. We want you to be able to focus on what you know best: running your business, and not all the extra work and headaches that will come from having to be submerged in that behemoth of a manual. In addition to that your worker will get expert care from our trusted and vetted network of surgeons and providers that use the best standards in healthcare to ensure your worker is back to work in as little time as possible. Avoiding all the difficulties and potential drama that the schedule poses is likely invaluable to a company, especially when it is so easy to feel out of your depths engaging in policy foreign to you. So why not let those fluent in the language handle all of it, stress free and without any additional effort on your part.

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How We Can Help

  • Bundled Surgical Care

    Surgical care has become infamous in today’s day and age for being complicated widely expensive processes than can cripple those going through it with untenable amounts to pay. Adding to the danger of complications or problems are unexpected additional recovery costs that may be daunting, dangerous financially proportionate. Surgical costs not only affect the injured patient, but if surgery is related to a work related injury can greatly cripple any organization.

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  • Maximum Medical Improvement

    Maximum Medical Improvement is the term given to a patient when they are at the highest level of recovery possible.  In the simplest form it is what the doctor tells a patient is the highest level of recovery process possible for the affected party.  It can mean a complete recovery that is fully and completely healed, or a partial one in which the level of healing is sufficient.

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  • Return to Work

    Return to work programs are programs that help to facilitate the process of returning injured or ill workers back into the workplace.  Using a return to work program is a must for any business attempting to navigate a worker’s compensation claim or any worker dealing with an injury or illness leading to a prolonged absence from the company.

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