Worker’s Compensation Impairment Ratings


Worker’s Compensation Impairment Ratings

Employee Injured On the Job?

MD Surgery is Your Solutions

Dealing with an injured worker can be a daunting proposition for any business. There is often so much uncertainty, and a litany of potential problems that could stem from the injuries.  From loss of production, to not knowing how long the process may take or cost, it is often filled with doubt and uncertainty. A self-funded employer often does not understand the nuances of the process, and how to anticipate the level of disability, as well as the costs associated with that level. This leaves them in a less than enviable position, as these answers can often be difficult to find, especially when the more pressing issue of running a company at a high level does not disappear.

What Business Owner Need to Know About Worker’s Compensation

The easiest way to deal with this is trust that entire process to MD Surgery, which offers itself as an intermediary service that helps a company to no longer have to worry about the immense undertakings that worker’s compensation related claims can be. We will help facilitate the process from organizing the surgery and appointments to dealing with facility fees and other concerns, as well as trusted and expert care from one of our network’s surgeons. One of the most useful ways we can help you is using the Worker’s Compensation Impairment Rating to help you understand exactly what to expect for your worker, their recovery, and your liability in long term claims. With this tool we can offer peace of mind and easy to understand information that makes the whole process of a long term claim less daunting and confusing.

The Importance of Worker’s Compensation Impairment Rating

What Businesses Need to Know…MD Surgery Can Help

So, what is the Worker’s Compensation Impairment Rating?
The Worker’s Compensation Impairment Rating is a score issued by an independent physician that evaluates the health of a patient. This is most useful in dealing with claims that are long-term. The score is determined at an Impairment Rating Evaluation and once it is completed, they receive a score on a 100% based scale. This test is only required once a worker has been receiving compensation for 104 weeks. This is useful for cases in which the Maximum Medical Improvement has not left a clear resolution in terms of recovery and compensation related issues. With the easy to understand score that is provided by the rating, companies will know exactly where they stand. When a rating is greater than fifty percent than the worker is entitled to their compensation claim in perpetuity, while a score under fifty percent means that claim is not forever and will last up until a certain amount of time. This can make it easy for a company to financially account for what they are obligated to pay in the future instead of existing in a state of confusion as time progresses. With our network we can handle the entirety of this process for any company, as well as many other services and functions using our extremely convenient bundle payments that alleviate stress and take the concern out of your hands and leaving you knowing exactly where you stand.

Dangers of Over-Reserving

Worker’s Compensation and the Meaning of Over-Reserving

To understand what it means to over-reserve one has to first understand the reserving process associated with the worker’s compensation process. Reserving is a commonly done act in which self-funded organizations anticipates how much the entire process involved with a worker compensation claim is going to cost.  Naturally, over-reserving is when the company places too much money down and that their anticipated costs are lower or even significantly lower. This seems like a relatively minor issue, and one with a simple fix?

The Dangers of Over-Reserving

The worker’s compensation process is a confusing, and arduous one that can leave anyone not highly trained feeling in over their head. Considering most people don’t feel entirely too confident when estimating how much the process will cost it makes sense that they’d lean towards paying too much instead of too little. It is the natural human response when facing such uncertainty. However, this can place stress on a company and cause side-effects that would likely come as a complete surprised to anyone not well-versed in the process. When a company places money down for anticipated costs, it cannot be used for any other purpose. This at its core means the functionality and growth potential of the company can be hamstrung due to unnecessary funds sitting in an account when it could be reinvested into the company’s operations. This may sound like an unbelievably frustrating concept to those simply exercising reasonable caution, but it can be even worse. Premiums paid on the insurance related with these claims will typically be negatively impacted with higher amounts of money placed down in reserve for compensation claims. Meaning, the more you reserve the higher the premium paid on the insurance will be. The worst part is it is very difficult to be able to determine what to pay, and even if you’re currently falling into the trap of over-reserving.

MD Surgery’s Solution Based Approach to Over-Reserving

At MD Surgery we offer the ability to never have to worry about over-reserving.  Instead of dealing with the threat of over-reserving simply purchase one of our industry standard bundles and let us take care of the rest. With our team of highly experienced health care professionals we can insure you do not take on the danger of over-reserving on compensation claims. In fact, we feel supremely confident in the amount of money you will save through us, and with out network of professionals we offer tremendous surplus value on top of that. We care deeply about providing the best service we possibly can, and one of those primary benefits is that you won’t be faced with wasted money or higher premiums as our industry veterans insure the amount needed to be paid is what paid, and the hassle of covering the litany of fees that can go into a surgery is covered. With us you can focus entirely on growing your company with the money saved from proper allocation and doing what you do best.

Bundled Surgical Care

What Self-Funded Employers Need to Know About Bundled Surgical Care

Things to Know About Bundled Surgical Care Packages:

Surgical care has become infamous in today’s day and age for being complicated widely expensive processes than can cripple those going through it with untenable amounts to pay.  Adding to the danger of complications or problems are unexpected additional recovery costs that may be daunting, dangerous financially proportionate.  Surgical costs not only affect the injured patient, but if surgery is related to a work related injury can greatly cripple any organization.

At MD Surgery, our clinical management team is experienced and knowledgable in streamlining worker’s compensation surgical claims.   The simple answer is using bundled surgical care packages. These packages are exactly what they sound like: packages that come with a set price in which the provider of it agrees to handle the costs of the procedures using the standard rates agreed upon. The savings these packages can provide is immense, and the value of not worrying about being sunk over difficult to anticipate surgical costs invaluable. Knowing the exact amount that you will pay is what any responsible business owner or manager would choose.

MD Surgery is the Best Choice for Bundled Surgical Care Packages

MD Surgery provides industry standard packages for worker’s compensation claim cases. However, that alone would not be enough to put us over the top on our competitors. What comes with MD Surgery’s packages is the knowledge that you are dealing with a highly experienced team with decades of experience in the industry and a genuine desire to make sure your bottom line and your worker’s safety and health are maximized without coming at the cost of each other. MD Surgery’s packages come with care from our carefully selected, thoroughly vetted network of surgeons that are required to practice the best-decision making techniques within the field.  Additionally, we take care of all the headache of knowing what you have to pay for with our packages being able to cover everything from procedure to facility fees. The benefits to working with us is endless, and the stress saved immense. We feel confident advertising ourselves as the best holistic provider of third-party intermediary worker’s compensation related services because we know that our values stand for yours. Our packages truly are more than fixed price rates, they are a guarantee that your worker will come out of it in the best shape possible, and that you won’t have to dirty your hands in what is always a highly frustrating and difficult to anticipate process in which the wrong decision can lead to hundreds of thousands of dollars lost. Please, look into MD Surgery for your worker’s compensation related needs, and discover the range of benefits we can provide and the thorough peace of mind we guarantee for any of our prospective customers. It will be more than worth it.